Hours of operation: Monday-Friday: 8:00 am-12:00 pm, 4:00-9:00 pm
Saturday/Sunday: 8:00 am-8:00 pm

UTR Junior Team Tennis
Introducing Universal Tennis Junior Team Tennis Season! Junior Team Tennis Divisions will be Coed UTR 1-3, Coed UTR 3-5, and Coed UTR 5-7. Players will compete in team competitions against each other in this fun format. All matches will count toward Verified UTR ratings.
- Small Team Format (2 doubles, 2 singles)
- Minimum 4 players per team match. Recommend 5-6 players per team.
- One Set to 6 with AD Scoring. 7pt tiebreaker win by 2 at 6 games all.
- Divisions: Coed UTR 1-3, 3-5, 5-7
Player Fees:
- $50/season for players, if not a Power Subscriber - additional $12 verified (league) fee - Any other fees a team captain may charge outside of UT
The season will run from Sept 16th - Nov 11th.
The registration deadline is September 11th. Matches will be scheduled on weekends! A schedule will be posted online and an email sent out to team captains with further information as soon as teams are formed. Captains will be contacted for feedback on match times before the schedule is completed. Matches may also be rescheduled at your convenience if both captains agree to rescheduling.
Please view the links below for more information on the league seasons.In order to register, please complete the following:
Step #1. Click the appropriate season link below for your UTR range. If you are unsure which division you belong in, please reach out and we can direct you to the correct one.
*If you do not have a Universal Tennis account, you will be prompted to create one upon clicking the league season link. It is free with email and password! Keep in mind if you have multiple players in your family, each account created will need to use a unique email address.
Step #2: Click on the team named “Player Registration”. All players will register here. Once registration closes, players will be split onto level-based teams accordingly.
Step #3: Click “join” to pay and register! You will receive an email once the schedule is published or if any schedule updates are made as the season progresses. You can always view the schedule and standings by the session links above!
*If you would like to Captain your own team, please reach out to David Porter or simply click "Request to Captain" at the top right-hand corner of the league sign-up page. Once we receive your request, we will reach out to you directly to set up your team. https://universaltennis.com/junior-team-tennis
Before a player’s first match is played, registration must be completed on the UT website. Captains are responsible for ensuring their players are registered on time. Any player who plays a match prior to registering will put their own score and team score at risk of not counting.
Please make sure you register for the correct UTR division based on your Rating at the time of registration. If you are unrated or new to playing matches/tournaments, please register for the UTR 1-2.99 group.
Rules and Regulations
1. Participation Requirements (Age & UTR):
a. Under 18 years of age
2. Universal Tennis does not guarantee the number of matches per player per event. That is at the discretion of your participating Club & Team Captain.
3. Locations: It is up to the Participating Clubs and Team Tennis Manager (Dave Porter, appointed by Universal Tennis) to develop a clear conference schedule including dates and locations.
4. Line Calls: A minimum of two Team Captains should be present (one per team) and available to mitigate disputes. We expect the highest level of honesty and integrity from players. The Team Tennis Manager reserves the right to disqualify you from the team if he or she receives three or more complaints.
5. Canceling Matches: If you can not participate in a match please convey this directly to your participating Team Tennis Captain.
6. Reporting scores: Players should report scores directly to your Team Captain. Captains will report the scores on the UT website.
7. Confirming Matches: Players should confirm their match availability with their Team Captain prior to the start of the team season.
8. Court Fees and Additional Costs: It is the participating Clubs’ responsibility to convey appropriate court fees and additional costs to the players. It is not Universal Tennis’s responsibility. Default court space will be scheduled at the Jonesville Tennis Center at no cost. If you would like your team to play out of another facility it is the Team Tennis Captain’s responsibility to arrange courts and to let the UTR Team Tennis Manager(Dave Porter) know where to schedule your teams home matches.
For additional information please contact Dave Porter at 352-262-4905